When building medium to large Single Page Application(SPA), there are various factors to consider when it comes to performance. We can categorise the performance into 3 types.
Loading performance
Runtime performance
Build performance
Loading performance
It basically means How fast the system shows content to user to consume.
For example, When the you visit youtube.com how quickly it shows the list of videos to you to consume.
Runtime performance
It is basically tells How fast the system is responding to user's command.
For example, When user clicking on the signup button, how fast the system shows the state of the operation either it could be taking the user into the home page or simply showing the progress bar to inform the user something is happening behind.
Build performance
While first two optimisation are meant end users, This one is meant to improve the developer experience during local development as well as reduce the cost in CI/CD environments. It basically tells, How quickly one self able to see the result of code change in the browser.
We go over in detail about Each one and how to improve it.